Nov 20, 2017
Time Stamped Show Notes:
0:32 - Intro
0:55 - This Week's Trip (just how much do these ladies travel?)
1:37 - Piper's Travel comes in two parts; day-job (85% of the time) and author trips
2:12 - "You live in transit Piper." -Gail
2:16 - Piper breaks down her typical (consistent/inconsistent) travel schedule for work
3:00 - "The 'oops' of being scheduled on two projects at the same time => literally flying ocean to ocean each week for six weeks" -Piper
3:46 - Piper travels to conventions for author stuff: networking, book-signing, teaching and instructing, etc
4:53 - Gail travels as a full-time professional author to essentially a convention a month as well as multiple writing conferences each year and (the thing she hates) two-week long book tours
6:12 - The infamous hellmouth airport of DIA forced Gail to do a 20 minute signing at ComicCon
7:13 - Preferred traveling days (avoid Friday and Sunday)
8:08 - The perks of being a westcoaster in overcoming jetlag - it means you can stay up late and hang out at the bar when you travel east
9:07 - Arrive early, volunteer, meet the staff, and have fun
9:30 - Dead dog party ("secret" post-con meetup the Sunday night after a convention finishes)
10:08 - Main Topic -> Kits!
-tea kit
-redeye kit
-sleep kit
-emergency kit ("Piper Repair Kit")
-emergency repair kit (for vintage dresses or corsets)
-makeup kit
-lipgloss kit
-electronics kit
10:54 - Preparing yourself for "the zone of the hotel" -Gail
13:29 - Corset corner (tips and warnings for wearing)
13:53 - "Kits permanently live in their kit state." -Gail (always packed and ready to go)
15:08 - When do you refill your kits if they're always packed?
15:36 - Adjusting the makeup kit based on season, location, and purpose of visit (keep the basics in there always: base, foundation, eyeliner)
16:44 - "Bigelow and Lipton's are verboten"
17:09 - Varying your kit bag based on its purpose (color and texture); so that you can produce the desired kit when unable to see into a bag
18:46 - kits help organize your "bag of holding's" pocket universe
19:21 - Zippers are king
20:06 - Yay Gadgets!
-Piper -> kit bags from
-Gail ->
TravelOn zipper envelopes (great intro to cheaply figure out what
sizes/types of kit bags work for you)
24:18 - Piper's been experimenting with silicone (bottles for storing shampoo's, lotions, conditioners, etc)
26:39 - ZojiRushi (Japanese thermos company) food storage mug
28:15 - ZipLock bags are wonderful kit bags too
-or a garbage bag to become a poncho for your carry-on
-and don't forget to double up your ziplock bags
30:11 – Outro and thanks to:
John Anealio for his song Steampunk