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Aug 29, 2022

Gail Carriger and Piper J. Drake discuss international travel considerations.

*This episode was recorded in April 2022. We had encountered technical difficulties and had to await a new motherboard, but we are back!

But first! Where has Piper been?

Piper joined authors K Tempest Bradford and Alethea Kontis for almost the...

Aug 29, 2022

Gail Carriger and Piper J. Drake discuss travel by sea as Piper prepares to board a cruise again for the first time in years.

But first! Where have Gail and Piper been?

Gail and Piper had a small writing retreat together in Vegas, while BTS was in Vegas for concert performances, and the two of them did not go to the...

Aug 8, 2022

Gail Carriger and Piper J. Drake discuss toiletry bags (also known as the 2-1-1) and what they include in these particular kits.

*This episode was recorded in October 2021. We had encountered technical difficulties and had to await a new motherboard, but we are back!

But first! Where have Gail and Piper been?
